Flickr Fruits #21

Phytological History 1673 Nehemiah Grew – Pecay

Kick starting 09 @ D=N with a crop of Flickr finery:

If you spend time beachcombing the blogosphere for treasures, at some point you will have come across the excellent Bibliodyssey – a compendium of ‘Visual Materia Obscura’. For an immediate blast of eclectic illustration wonder over to Paul K’s image repository for Bibliodyssey – personal highlights include the Art Arabe, 16-20C Board Games, Mapping Mars and the Trunks and Roots sets.

Bibliodyssey has a post on the work of Erik Nitsche, a modernist graphic designer who came to prominence in the 1950s with a distinctive graphic style and subtle feeling for colour. Katie Varrati and Derrick Schultz maintain an excellent archive of Nitsche’s work. Particularly inspiring is his work done for Decca records, in which we find suggestive visualisations of musical movements in graphical terms.

Moving forward in time we arrive at digitally constructed compositions made with VVVV. Elektromier’s group of outputs, Specialformula, appear to be complex exploded organic containers – pinks, oranges and greens never tasted so good together. Sanchtv’s Mutation Phase 2 set applies reflections and refractions to abstracted robotic surfaces & evolving droid plants.

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