ComplexCity Mappings – Lee Jang Sub

Complexcity - Lee Jang Sub
ComplexCity (details) – Lee Jang Sub

Picking up on the inherent similarity between transportation systems in cities and the morphology of leaves and trees, is Lee Jang Sub’s ComplexCity series of works. These elaborate mappings of roads and highways mimic the venation patterns in leaves and the rhizomatic configurations of tree branches, creating delicate organic filigree structures in a range of different mediums, including light.

‘This project is an exploration to find a concealed aesthetic by using the pattern formed by the roads of the city which have been growing and evolving randomly through time, thus composing the complex configuration we experience today.
I perceive the city’s patterns as living creatures that I recompose to form an urban image’ – Lee Jang Sub

2 Responses to “ComplexCity Mappings – Lee Jang Sub”

  1. ComplexCity Mappings | kelpdesign writes:

    […] organic filigree structures in a range of different mediums, including light.” From: dataisnature

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  2. Olivier Ruellet writes:

    .. this strangely reminds me of my own research on urban topography and biological networks:

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