Collected Tweets #1

Collected Tweets #1
Models – Jenny Myers

Anatomical Surrealismo from Valerio Carrubba.

Imagine a diamond point acting upon a blackened silver film on glass – harmonographic drawings by joseph gould at the ArtOfMemory.

Speculative realism, Deleuze & Guattari, quantum physics, cybernetics, consciousness, AI and more at Fractal Ontology.

The Perceptual Observer – a time-line devoted to perceptually or optically based art.

Seeing Sound – Synchromy No. 4: Escape by Mary Ellen Bute, 1938.

Architecture, Patterns and Mathematics by Nikos A. Salingaros – The recent study of complexity via physics has relevance to architecture.

Phenomenal Transparency. Jenny Myers Architecture blog with roots in utopian ideals.

Brion Gysin’s Dreamachine at

Strange Paths blog. A merge of physics, computation and philosophy.

Möbius Strips & Lorenz Manifolds. Mathematical sculpture from Benjamin Storch.

Colourfield Constructivisms from Richard Schur.

Abandoned architectural wonders of the world at Weburbanist.

Paleofuture – a look into the future that never was.

Maxwell Cade’s Mind Mirror – an early EEG biofeedback machine.

A sound reactive bespoke from Soundsbutter.

Apocalyptic mountainous temple architecture. Paintings from Ricky Allman.

Automatism + Surrealism. The Chimeras of Unica Zurn.

Cerenkovs Dream РEno Henze. Technological objet trouv̩ with 4 Led Panels, power adaptor and image processor.

Earworms, repetunes, humbugs and other phonological loops

Follow my complete stream here.

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