Data Reflection # 031208

Geo-phages infecting an unsuspecting coastline at Pruned

Pruned compiles a catalogue of coastal curiosities with an image of ‘Geo-phages infecting an unsuspecting coastline’. Of particular interest to disciples of self-similarity are the iterations produced by coastal engineering and erosion prevention.

Bldblog’s post, Resampled Space concerns the architectural fictions & fantasies of Filip Dujardin – recombined parts of buildings are conjured up to form new impossible structures, often with interesting geometric formations. Another post, Slow Decay, reports on the bacterio-poetic works of Yvette Molina – infusions of layered translucent colour bring about a petri-dish aesthetic.

Doraballa-ommo conveys to us all manner of monochromatic excellence – Diatoms, Biomorphs, Processing sketches, Mandalas, Op-Art, and Ferrofluids are among those that mingle together within the cult of the many.

Infostuka’s blog archive is well worth sifting through. Here’s a post on a work they completed earlier this year involving ‘playful and colourful miniature interactives’ – in the piece ‘Loophole’ we are asked to imagine Tron being played out on Voronoi Triangulations instead of grids. Elsewhere we can find more leads to goodness – Jeffrey Docherty, XX+XY and Justine Ashbee, for example.

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