Dave Bollinger: Labyrinthine multiforms

dave bollinger

Dave Bollinger is a US based artist/programmer who uses simple systems/algorithms to create complex multiform artworks.

We can only imagine flying through the stark graphic manifolds of the ‘Shadow boxes’ set. These graphic symmetrical and asymmetrical 3D labyrinths, realised in Processing, often contain as many as 40,000 boxes where the organisation of the small boxes with the larger ones makes for some elegant compositions. ‘The original intent with this series was to produce a sort of “three dimensional Rorschach test” in negative space, where the boxes aren’t really there, just their shadowed edges, but you see them anyway.’ he says.

Another of Dave’s sets, ‘Cubicles’ is a ‘particle-based generative art system that produces isometric line drawings’ and constructed using ‘an algorithm that is entirely two-dimensional but gives an illusion of depth… leading to some Escher-esque constructs….’

Relying again on a diversified and variegated construction process, are the ‘Sticks and stones’ set, which Dave describes as ‘Generative Sculptures’.

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