Data vapour 18.10.06

The Circle Project (detail) – Richard Sarson

The Circle Project is a set of process drawings using a compass and felt-tip marker pen. Richard Sarsons drawings are a product of the necessity to organize things especially shapes. ‘The appearance is determined by the coloured pens used, the amount of circles and distance between each compass point.’

Michael Wolf’s photography of Hong Kong’s architecture is not to be missed. The perspective in these pictures is often flattened revealing linear repetition and geometric patterns inherent in the structures. The multitude of surfaces, windows and balconies and their subtly differing colours, hint at the facades of early super computers.

Miniorgan is a shrine to rare and vintage electronic toys with a particular focus on 70s and 80s electronic musical instruments. The site also includes a listening area, where you mix the sounds of a few of the different machines together.

Elswhere in browserspace Vade teases us with his open source VJ application built with in Max/MSP and Jitter. He lets me know that ‘Its meant to be as close to commercial grade as possible, while still providing niche tools for performers to work on/with interesting approaches and to allow artists to facilitate creating their own unique workflow and aesthetics’. He hopes to make this modular framework available sometime in the near future.

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