Recursive Clowning and Occult Design

PhotoCopier Fractals – Noah Vawter

There is nothing more marvelous than a flirt between an analogue hands-on approach and a high-tech paradigm. Noah Vawter has harnessed a standard office photocopier and turned it into a Fractal pattern making machine! Using methods touched upon in Heinz-Otto Peitgen’s ‘The Science of fractal Images’ he has manage to feed in sequences of images to build up complex Fractal tessellations. Clowning around with photocopiers could relieve the boredom of the office drudge and help ward of the Bluetooth blues I’d say.

I came across Noah’s creations at the very interesting Occultdesign (it’s also sited at Generator.x and Hi-res). Occultdesign has its core located at the intersection of esoterica and design. Regular readers of Dataisnature will often find references to occult systems and magickal teachings in the posts so I’m very happy to find that someone else is doing a good job at looking at this shaded area in much more detail. There are some really interesting articlettes here, including an introduction to Cymatics, a piece on synchronicity and algorithms and blimey – there is even mention of Austin Osman Spare, an occultist dear to Natureisdata.

One Response to “Recursive Clowning and Occult Design”

  1. Fell writes:


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